Modern Day’s ‘Cancel Culture’

Hello everybody. As I sit here and share my perspective with you all I would like to discuss my view point on today’s ‘Cancel Culture’. Considering this is my first post I feel it is not only right to discuss such an important topic as such but also much needed for the people who suffer and deal with the ignorant view point of ‘cancelling’ someone right out due to what has been said or done yesterday, last week, last year, and even a decade ago.

What even is ‘Cancel Culture’? What is this fad that people on social media speak of and act on? This phrase that people cyberally throw around? “You are cancelled” “Oh wow, look everyone so and so said this a TEN years ago, they are ‘cancelled’.” To me this new age cancel culture is nothing but a resentful and unforgiving mode of existence. Now of course there are some cases where the person who is being ‘Cancelled’ is definitely in the wrong and has no justification towards their thoughts or actions. But on the other hand people on social media tend to forget humans are not perfect; at least not with the mind being used as its guide. We project this attitude of sainthood on everybody but ourselves. “Oh this person did that or said this, they are bad, they are wrong!” Most people on social media are blind to the fact that this whole cancelling someone due to their past actions or expressions is limiting and unforgiving. In this life most of us are not meant to say and do the “right” thing one hundred percent of the time, every-time. If one thinks this way than they themselves are diluted. How many times have you and I done or said something that we know we shouldn’t have expressed, only to want to take it back later but finally coming to the conclusion of what is said is said and what is done is done. For nothing in the past can be changed and to simply dwell or kindle on our past actions is very limiting and self-afflicting. We must take this moment and be the person we feel to be, we must occasionally cast our sight into the future and see within all of the unlimited potentialities we naturally hold.

As I began to express myself more and more on here and as time plays on I will change mentally, emotionally, physically, and most importantly spiritually (as we all do). Know that my mind and being is not fixed to your idea of what you have for me or yourself, neither is it fixed to my own ideas and beliefs I have of my self. I will allow myself to grow, forgive, and perspire. I wish the same to you, for being stuck in the same consciousness is simply painful and outright detrimental to our true being.