Traumatic Art

Traumatic Art

There are times in our life when we get to a moment of wanting to embrace our pain and suffering. Would it than be possible to embrace our pain and suffering through creativity. Instead of traditional exercises and psychological activities what if an approach of “dark creativity” is used to express our wounds and traumas thus leading more to an emotional expression rather than a solution solely based with the mind as the tool. Instead of thought being the paint brush (mind) our emotion or our heart would be the paint brush instead, melting into the craft and becoming one with it to the point where one becomes in a flow type of state. Ex: while playing guitar sing, speak, or strum how you feel. While painting, drawing, and any other form of creative art expression do so with the emotion of our pain and suffering behind it. Thus allowing the emotions to come up to the surface to be felt while at the same time slowly releasing it through and with every paint stroke and every strum.

(Buy empty canvases, and allow oneself to feel and be non-judge mental to the wounds that our brought up and feel these emotions while at the same time creating a piece of art/song out of it.)

This is not negative or pessimistic. I would say it is rather the opposite, which is a healthy expression of ones emotions and feelings, pain and suffering let go through means of beautiful creations instead of detrimental forms such as projected hate-speech, and/or physical or verbal abuse to self or others. No need to scream in the middle of an empty forest, instead one is able to let go through expressions and creations of ‘dark art’.

Our traumas, wounds, and shadow characteristics are filled with pain and suffering. When the piece of dark-art is created we transfer these energies that were once inside of us to the created object. We have let go and let loose. Now depending on each person and circumstance we might be able to fully let go or partially let go of the pain and suffering that was once unacknowledged and held within. Either way we have made a positive progression and release by means of artistic creation. There are many forms and expressions of art that we can let our wounds be channeled and released through. Painting, drawing, sculpting, writing, singing, and any other form of art one enjoys. Create and express with the emotion of our specific pain and suffering being felt.

(Postscript: This was a spontaneous journaling I did around 5AM when I woke up. I wrote this intuitively and as I think about it now, perhaps this why so many people are artistic in their nature and wanting to make careers out of being a painter, sculptor, singer etc. There are a lot of us who have normal 9-5 jobs and don’t make the time for artistic expression and creation but I believe this is a natural therapeutic remedy to invoke feelings of peace while at the same time feeling and releasing our suppressed wounds. I am certainly not the first to have this realization or come to this alternate solution. With a quick google search I found others who have written about this and give a more in depth way to get started, so if this has resonated with you perhaps you can look further into this or just outright trust yourself and know there isn’t much to learn on how to get started. If you think about it enough the answers are pretty straightforward and what feels right for you can only be discovered by you!If anyone has any pieces of ‘dark-art’ they would like to share I’d like to see.)