The Divine Life

The Divine Life

There is at the very core of the center the ideal, convention, conception; the thought, the Word. It is this Word to which all else springs out of. It is this pure-Divine Word that gives one their unique abilities and allows one to grow familiar with and know their capacities. Divinely abled, United-total one goes about their conquest in Harmony fully encompassing that Divine Life to which is powered by the blissful loving Spirit.

Ideal Truth Reality

Unnecessary yet paradoxically seemingly necessary by the self-asserting separative ego conscious, know the difference of one’s unnecessary-judgment that arises from the constant runnings of thoughts upon the sense-mind of the person, and the always awakened ascendant observanance and inner-eye of discernment that which is used to maneuver within the intermingled forces of infranature and supernature within the individual and collective mind, life, and body. As one learns this, they then become knowledgeable of this way of life, yet most importantly they must live and take action in this way for that is the true state of existence at this point in passing-timings of the new technologicalized-millennium which can have its great effectuation to both the individual and society whose life principal and foundation is based upon Divinized co-existent unity, mutuality, harmony, and knowledge.

To Be

To hate is an option, it is a choice. To love is not an option nor a choice it is a Being of Existence therefore it is natural state of relation and Supranormal to our animal-human existence. The Divinized-Being goes through life with the power of the Harmonious Divine-Spirit and is in conquest always and concentration not allowing its Self to diminish upon the decreased being of disordered emotional-states.

The spiritual-ego that has had that Brahman experience wants to tell others they are by-passing when they hear about people expressing their Love instead of remaining silent and letting things be in their timely-place. Sure they might be going through a temporal Brahman experience and will at sometime in the future come to the leveling out of the decreased animal-human emotions entering their environmental consciousness at some point again. But that is again a reaction of some sort of internal/external stimuli and the Brahman experiencer is unable to keep a hold of that truthful bliss-love state of existence. Nonetheless it is still attainable and doable through right and truthful action in life and constant observance of all-parts of one’s World-Self.

Through the knowledge, wisdom, courage, strength, harmony, and knowing of that attainable perfection of Being one is surely able to exist in that Divine Life unified once again with the Life Divine.

The Supreme Absolute

That Light is as great as the environmental photonics

The Bliss is as loving as the beloved Mother

The Infinite is as vast as the universe

The Consciousness is as active as the sea

The Seer is as loving as is the scientist

The Existence is as real as the sensible feel

The Being is as eternal as the life

The Supreme is as ineffable as the Color.

Gold is Gold as Love is Love.

Infinite Gratitude

There is this scripture I have heard that goes along the lines of “Thy Word is sweeter than honey.” If one were to conceive of the possible meanings it is conveying one can see that it is the ineffable Supreme Divine infinite Being that which has given the human species its self-reflective instrument of the sense-mind which is its medium to bring conscious-power through its self-willed intentional will-power to its veiled Divine Self protruding from within and extending to the universal-self without all shall have that eternal limitless Bliss-Love consciousness-force forever delighted in its immortal-Being dwelling within the infinitude of harmonious Divine Unity. All life is yoga, this is The Life Divine. For it is the Divine Life that brings all things to its True ever honey-sweet diversified existent creation. This is The Divine Evolution.

The scripture now is given an alternate meaning and format; Thy Word is sweeter, th*en honey.

Aspire for Supernal greatness and it shall Be indeed.

We Are That

O how loving can one be when they see the love within that, this, and it. It is delightful indeed to Be in Delight seeing that delight veiled within it. One knows through time all shall have that harmonious Divine existent Being come forth to thee. This is life, this is love, for love is that Divine nature that is unscathed by anything opposing or anti-divine for whether it be external or internal. Absolute, Alive, ineffably existing within its whole self, its individual self, and its transcendental self. Fear has no place here within the all-encompassing existence of Bliss-Love delighted to take on the conquest of life by the power of the Spirit. This is a marvel, for that marvelous evolution of everything working itself out through time, struggle, pain, ignorance, knowledge, joy, calmness, peace, strength and wisdom. The false yet real self-created erroneous movements and temporal existences of ignorant forces that contribute to suffering are for only a moments-time existing until the true Divine Forces and vibration reveal themselves to the one in their revelation of attained glee and loving-tranquility. One having been inward, has the sight to live truthfully outward amidst the intermingling and co-existent forces derived from both the ignorance and the knowledge. One continues to go onward, upward, and godward. Victory is inevitable, the Divine victory is the truth indeed.


The sandbox of the forged creations all have partaken in together remain Divine in its very existence. This Divine Conscious-Love that remains veiled to the individual who willingly separates themselves and their life by the power of their intellectual sense-mind, awaits inevitable Beauty and sweet existences in which the Divine Life brings to it’s Self by the knowledgeable revelation in the passing-timings of The Golden Age.

Supernal Truth

Supernal Truth

The infinite of the finite, is the supernal one. The one of the finite is the innumerable many. May the many be diverse in expression, for the diversified oneness yearns for that. That diversified one, dwells in its own infinitude. Both here and there, within this and that. This and That shine Gold in its Truth. The infinite Divine existent Being remains immortal and invincible in its ineffable Consciousness-Power of supernalizing Bliss-Love.


Having thy mental-being within the unified consciousness and coming to India one could feel the aliveness, unity, and love within everything and everyone. Arriving in West-Benghal, a boy set to explore the disruptive set-times of its bussling roads of Kolkata. I found my 30 minute walk to the Howrah station to be quite simple and yet a half-expressive peace within my Being put forth due to the observance of new life-being and stimuli around me. There was no nervousness amongst the walk, there was no anxiety with the stroll. In the initial set off from the hotel there indeed was a mixed-jumbled shyness. This quickly faded as I brought my concentration back to That. To summarise the reactive expression of people around as I walked through the town, I found it to be looks of interest, rather than looks of negative-judgement I would recieve from the peoples. Countless people were indeed looking at me for the sake of what it seemed to me, wonder. Everyone involved in city life of small city-shop-exchangememt, had a natural flow of harmony one cannot put into words. Having this been my first experience out of my nation consciousness it took me to a state of being I can term as concentrated-alertness. The culture-shock that most people speak of is derived from the ego separated from the Self. For to be shocked by a culture is the mind judging the culture leading to a separated thought and the emotion of fear. I could not relate to this. Once arrived at the station, I did my thing there, and told my self I will enjoy this walk instead having a alerted concentrated movement. The 30 minute walk back to the hotel was indeed more United. I looked at the things more, I observed the details of the people, food, traffic, shops, and street-buildings with more depth. I came to realise that the small experience I had of the Kolkata city-life during its traffic hour is a hasty disordered-order flow. This and that intermingling upon each other in respective-cordial manners. I found it very pleasing.
Now, having the necessary drop of consciousness of thy being I am becoming more and more by the Golden Truth Dawns.
For I admit, do I fear man? No. Do I fear spirit? Nay. Spirit is all consciousness within everything and everyone, and it is the fall of the Self I took that brought me back to the self-judgementized way of looking how I can keep things in Harmony at all times of thy action amongst a town that is majoritively divided from me. I see the divine within, I see the love within, I acknowledge the truth within.  It is not fear within that exists as I move about in this Divine-Life, rather I currently come to feel it being at certain times and circumstances a unnecessary yet required self-hassled judgement of thy action and its effect it has on me and the entire effectuation of my uncontrollable illusive character within the town. I understand this is ignorant, and as I look at it from the new-born rising Divine consciousness I attain now, it is quite inevitable. For I am now obtaining the wisdom of the occult workings and the force movements within them have its effect on not only the world but the individual human psyche coupled along with the social mingling of others constituting to the distortion of our self-percieved identities. This is a rise out of a fall. And it is only by this ascending and descending state of existence that the infinite-Being can learn, prosper, and become its Truth of Love-Self; Vasudeva.
